Welcome Basket


Be welcomed @OBOCasa with local snacks, drinks, fruit, and other essentials (coffee capsules, tea). Traditional products.

No refunds.

Instructions for guests after purchase:
Please inform us if you prefer alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages. Vegan and vegetarian options are available!

Add To Cart

Be welcomed @OBOCasa with local snacks, drinks, fruit, and other essentials (coffee capsules, tea). Traditional products.

No refunds.

Instructions for guests after purchase:
Please inform us if you prefer alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages. Vegan and vegetarian options are available!

Be welcomed @OBOCasa with local snacks, drinks, fruit, and other essentials (coffee capsules, tea). Traditional products.

No refunds.

Instructions for guests after purchase:
Please inform us if you prefer alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages. Vegan and vegetarian options are available!